Barry Family Matching Fund - 2024

Support Health for the Hidden in Burma with a New Inpatient Building & Life-Saving Medical Equipment

Our jungle clinic, Rain Tree Clinic, has grown from its humble beginnings to a sprawling secondary healthcare center. In 2023, 92 staff members and 47 students took care of 10,739 patients and performed 246 surgeries. Because all electricity is generated internally and the campus is only accessible by truck for half the year, much of our manpower is devoted to logistics and engineering.

Food, medicine, and living supplies are sourced from far away cities, and everything from construction to truck repairs to vegetable gardening is done onsite. Medical staff split their time between patient care and teaching our Physician Associate students. It is a buzzing hive of activity, and an oasis of help and hope for the 560,000+ community residing in the surrounding mountains.

When the military conflict came to our area, EM was the only medical organization equipped to provide emergency trauma care to wounded soldiers and civilians. Though it stretches us a little thin at times, we have formed a frontline team of a surgeon, anesthesiologist, and several PAs to respond to nearby battles. Using tents as operating rooms and open-air leaf canopies as recovery wards, our team has now spent many months providing care in even more resource-limited environments than at Rain Tree.

Often, patients must be transferred to Rain Tree for further care. Once there, they are housed in our overflow in-patient department, which is made of bamboo floor, bamboo walls, and leaf roof. It can hold lots of patients, but there is not much protection from the elements, and bamboo degrades quickly. Recently, the floors have been breaking and someone even fell through.

Your gifts will provide much needed life-saving medical equipment for both our jungle clinic and front-line mobile unit, as well as fund the building of new in-patient buildings to replace the current bamboo structures.

Your gift provides hope and health for so many in remote jungle areas. Thank you for your partnership and generosity!